Baseball Nursery
This nursery was painted for the Gisi's new baby in January 2009. They are big Dodger's fans and wanted a mural for their little boy.
Circles Nursery
This room was painted for my daughter in July 2009. I wanted something a little more modern for her room, yet still girlie.
Flowers & Bugs Nursery
This room was painted for the Dankers and their new baby in Sparks in July 2002. The bugs were hand painted to match the curtains and bedding.
Flowers & Bugs Nursery 2
In 2004, the Danker's moved and they asked me to paint their new home. Jenn Danker had painted her daughters room the same colors as the nursery, but wanted different bugs in the room this time.
Little Suzie's Zoo Nursery
This mural was painted for the Roper's baby boy in July 2010. They were a big fan of Little Suzie's Zoo and wanted the theme of their sons room to match that.
Puppy Nursery
This mural was painted for the Nesler's baby boy in December 2010. This picture of the puppy has been in the family for many years and they wanted to incorporate it into his new room.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This mural was also painted for the Nesler's in April 2012. It is for their new baby boy.
Winnie The Pooh
This mural was painted for a little boy's nursery in May 2014.
Twin's Tree Nursery
This tree mural was painted for little boy and girl twins in March 2015.
Magnolia Tree Nursery
This mural was painted for a sweet baby girl. It is a magnolia tree painted for a rainbow baby. The 3 orange blossoms represent their losses and the quote is from e.e. cummings. Painted in September 2017.